SnapSecret (Snapchat clone)

Grab your copy NOW! This app source will only be available for a limited time!
Say hello to SnapSecret! Its a full, complete and meticulously handcrafted Android app ready for Google Play store submission with a simple re skin. Ever heard of Snapchat? Well, SnapSecret is on the same lines with the ability to send and receive photos and videos that self destruct or not self destruct with the choice up to the sender. The source was built using the new and powerful Android Studio.
SnapSecret is powered by for backend management of user account accounts, user photos, user videos, user password resets, friend requests. It’s the complete and simply gorgeous solution for a social photo and video sharing app

Scheduled SMS with Emotions Android App

Scheduled SMS is an Android Application which you can make a schedule to send sms to any one at any time. You need to enter the recipient name, message and time/date for sending your schedules sms. Service will automatically check the current time and time for sending message and your message will be delivered to the recipient at the exact time. You can add a few of Emotions in your message too.
1) Eclipse Editable 2) Background Service 3) Schedule SMS 4) Emotions

Advanced Social Network App - Multi-Purpose

let’s build our real social network
with this Advanced Social Network App

Browser Pro With AdBlock

Browser Pro a Small, Privacy and Speed web browser . -Amazing Features: Full-screen, check. Inverted Rendering, check. All the search engines you want, check. Search Suggestions, Bookmarks, History, User Agents, whatever you need, Browser Pro does it. -New Design Modern and simple with a magical interface that contains a window displaying with color from css for web site. -Speed By utilizing the WebKit rendering engine that comes built into your Android device, we can ensure a swift, Browser Pro experience that won’t disappoint -Privacy Use Incognito Mode to browse without leaving a footprint, download Orbot and turn on proxy support to mask your identify and location, use StartPage or DuckDuckGo for your search engine, or disable settings that you think leave you at risk. Whatever your concern, Lightning is here to help. -Light With a small package size (less than 2 MB), Browser Pro Browser for Android phone and tablet ensures a fast and fun experience for you . -Faster navigation choose your search results appear instantly as you type and quickly navigate to pages you have already visited. Bookmarck Load multiple Favorit from your current app at the same time. - Explain why it’s best Experience the wealth of the internet with the speed and simplicity of Browser Pro, a web browser built to rival the giants. Browse fast on your Android phone or tablet, and see through a portal to the infinite information of the internet. *Phone *Tabllet *Laptop *Smrat TV

Get More Than 80 Code Source For Android Apps and Games



You don’t have the time and money enough to develop your own android app or game , don’t worry now I give the solution .

There are 80 code source of android apps and games with the complete documentation , just make a little modification in graphics and name of package then start to submit it on app stores like google play ,amazon store …..

Today it easy to launch your mobile app startup and start to profit from this powerful growing market

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